At The HOPE Center, we begin each morning with a time of praise and worship before we set out to do God’s work. It’s always a treat when Sandi leads us, because we know we’re going to walk away encouraged. Not only is she a source of inspiration and wisdom for the women we serve here at The HOPE Center, but also for all of those who work alongside her!

Name: Sandi Welborn
Title: Community Care Coordinator
When did you start at The HOPE Center? I started as a volunteer Greeter / Advocate in 2015 and came on staff in 2019.
How did you initially get connected with The HOPE Center? I’d heard about their ministry & the ministry of The Hope Center and I wanted to do more than just pray for the issue of Life, so I came in to see how I could be of help and Greeter / Advocate seemed to be a great fit.
How have you seen God work through this ministry? I love to be a part of something “bigger” than what I can do and The Hope Center is just that! Seeing hurting women find support and help in their time of crisis is seeing the hands and feet of Jesus at work. I love that we not only seek to help women in crisis with their emotional and physical needs, but we care about their spiritual needs as well. Where else can I work and actually save a life!?
Favorite memory with The HOPE Center? The day I saw my first client pray to receive Jesus into her life. It was such a joy and privilege to share my personal testimony and then ask her if she would like to ask Jesus into her life and she began to cry and said, “Yes, I really need to.” It was so beautiful, she was one of my Earn While You Learn clients and in the weeks following I got to see her join a church, be baptized AND see her eight year old daughter also accept Jesus and be baptized. I rejoice with the angels in heaven over these sweet souls that were saved!
Favorite bible verse? “I know the plans I have for you, they are plans for good not evil says the Lord. They are plans to give you a future and hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Fun fact about you? I am a water person….I love to swim, snorkel and sit by the ocean. In my younger years I even was a Certified Suba Diver.
Favorite color? Teal / Blue (like the Caribbean Waters)
Favorite food? Comfort Food…. Roast, potatoes, green beans, biscuits and gravy all washed down with an ice-cold glass of SWEET TEA!
You have your own late night talk show, who do you invite as your first guest? The Apostle Paul….So many questions to ask.
You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick? Oh, no….never! Something simple, “This little light of mine”.
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life what would it be? A bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios…..I kind of eat that every morning (and sometimes for dinner) now. It’s easy, yummy, filling and doesn’t dirty up to many dishes.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A writer