
The Heart of Ultrasound

A client came for an ultrasound who had had five pregnancies, three children, one abortion, one miscarriage, and now pregnant with her sixth. When I asked her what she thought about this pregnancy she said, ‘I’ve resolved myself to the fact that I am pregnant, I just want to get it over with.’ (She was … Continued

K’s Story

She was brought to The HOPE Center by her Hope Mentor from a local church who called stating, “Her problems are so complex, I don’t even know where to start.” Like so many of the precious clients of The HOPE Center, K’s problems were multifaceted. Her father died suddenly in April. She had a previous … Continued

An Adoption Story – God’s Gift

I am often amazed and overwhelmed at the depth of need and hurt that accompanies many of our clients. It makes me so grateful that God has given us this work to do, but he has not left us alone in our service. He is never overwhelmed. I shared previously about a client named K. … Continued

Ruminations of a Reluctant Grandfather

I think that it was two days before Christmas when I learned that my unmarried daughter was pregnant. It was a Sunday morning. It was Sunny. I was dressed for church. My wife was still getting ready. We had quite a bit of time before we had to leave, but I wandered down to Amanda’s … Continued

A decade of HOPE
(Impact Over 10 Years)

Life Decisions
Clients Served
