Questions about becoming a donor? Learn more about How Do I Become Involved with a Pregnancy Medical Clinic in Woodstock?

How Do I Become Involved with a Pregnancy Medical Clinic in Woodstock, GA?

Whether you have been involved with pregnancy medical clinics for decades, or you have recently learned about the pregnancy medical clinic concept, there is a pressing need for involvement in local pregnancy medical clinics. The beauty of the pro-life movement is that every talent can be used to save lives. Whether you are an accountant, … Continued

learn more About How Do I Become Involved with a Pregnancy Medical Clinic in Woodstock, GA?

Staff Highlight: Mimi Huminski

We’re kicking off our Staff Highlight series with our incredible Administrative Manager, Mimi Huminski. The HOPE Center would not be able to operate without her, and we’re excited to celebrate her today on Administrative Professionals Day! Scroll down to learn more about Mimi. Name: Mimi HuminskiTitle: Administrative ManagerWhen did you start at The HOPE Center? … Continued

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K’s Story

She was brought to The HOPE Center by her Hope Mentor from a local church who called stating, “Her problems are so complex, I don’t even know where to start.” Like so many of the precious clients of The HOPE Center, K’s problems were multifaceted. Her father died suddenly in April. She had a previous … Continued

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The Heart of Ultrasound

A client came for an ultrasound who had had five pregnancies, three children, one abortion, one miscarriage, and now pregnant with her sixth. When I asked her what she thought about this pregnancy she said, ‘I’ve resolved myself to the fact that I am pregnant, I just want to get it over with.’ (She was … Continued

learn more About The Heart of Ultrasound

A decade of HOPE
(Impact Over 10 Years)

Life Decisions
Clients Served
